
Teny iditra ady
Sokajin-teny anarana
Fanazavàna teny malagasy Fifamelezana, fifanafihana amin' ny basy aman-defona: Nahafaty olona antapitrisany maro ny ady lehibe roa farany
Fifampitoriana any amin' ny Fitsarana: Manana ady amin-dRakoto, hono, Rabe
Tsy fifanarahana, mety hiafara amin' ny fifamaliana mafy na amin' ny fifamelezana mihitsy aza: Ady be ny azy roa lahy momba ilay boky nindramin-dRanaivo ha veriny
Fihaonan' ny rafitra, fifanarahan-doko, fitovian' ny zavatra adika amin' ny dikany: Manaitra ny maso avy hatrany ny adin' ny loko amin' ity sary ity
Mitovy hevitra: adilahy ~ fanditra ~ fanjihitra ~ fetrivoho ~ fifandirana ~ fifanjihirana ~ gidragidra ~ kisa ~ sentsena ~ sotasota ~ vaniny ~ vezovezo [1.1]
Fanazavàna teny anglisy A fight, combat, quarrel, contention, battle, dispute, contest, attack, assault, war. Also of things fitting well, as a door and its posts, two straight pieces of wood fitting well together, two bricks, etc. etc. With suffix pronoun -ny, as adiny, it means a something difficult to be done. [Jav. Avd (?); or Ar. Adava.] [1.2]
 Fighting, war [1.7]
Fanazavàna teny frantsay Guerre [1.3, 1.8, 1.5]
 Combat [1.3, 1.8, 1.13, 1.5]
 Discussion, dispute [1.3, 1.5]
 Procès [1.3, 1.5]
Ajustage, jonction, mélange des couleurs, accord d'une copie avec son original
Accord des instruments ou des voix [1.3]
 Lutte [1.13]
1maty tany an'ady izy (il est mort à la guerre) [1.3]
2mahery an' ady izy (il est valeureux dans les combats) [1.3]
3nanao ady samy irery Davida sy Goliata (David et Goliath se battirent en combat singulier) [1.3]
4manana ady izy (il est en procès) [1.3]
5mba taiza no nahita ady hianao? [2.324]
6maty maina ireo namoy ny ainy, tsy nahatohitra ny ady tsy omby tratra, ady tamin' ny hery setra, ady koa tamin' ny zehitra, izay samy nilomany. [2.472]
Tsotra : ady, adiko, adinao, adiny, adintsika, adinay, adinareo, adin', adin-, adim-

Nohavaozina tamin' ny 2023/08/01